John Tilton on fri 10 apr 98
After reading David's message about chattering I went down to the studio
and was trimming a large porcelain pot and lo and behold, there was the
chattering of which David speaks. For me trimming porcelain is about a 4
stage process from very soft to very hard, and the chattering which
occurs in the soft stage can be cut through when the pot is harder, and
the tools do not seem to chatter for me when the clay is quite hard.
They will also trim dry and even bisque.
People have asked so here is the address for Bison Tools:
1409 S Commerce St
Las Vegas, Nv 89102
The proprietor is Philip Poburka. He is an extremely interesting person
to talk to and he will make tools to suit your needs. As I mentioned, I
have 8 of these tools which takes into account Phil's mortality. These
are great tools IMHO, and I'd REALLY miss them.
I'd also like to invite everyone to take a look at my new web
page----finished, but still changing rapidly. It features my work in
porcelain, matte crystals, and copper reds. As an aside, I fire my
copper reds for 22 to 24 hours, not the 10 or 12 mentioned earlier
I'd appreciate your constructive criticism as these things look
different on different monitors.
The address is
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