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black mtn. liner & cushing's black?

updated tue 21 apr 98


PamWitch on sun 19 apr 98

Cushing's Black
Black Mountain Liner
Does anyone know anything about either of these two glazes?

A friend said she used these glazes many years ago, but no longer has her
notes regarding them. Any clues out there? I have tried searching the Glaze
Database, to no avail.



Gary W. Wagoner on mon 20 apr 98

Here is the base formula for Rhodes Black Mountain Glaze, which I got from
Val Cushing. It is formulated for cone 8-10 reduction:

Kona F-4 feldspar 40
whiting 10
flint 20
kaolin 10
talc 20

The Cushing Black I have a recipe for is an Albany slip glaze, so I don't
know how useful you will find it:

Albany slip 65
neheline syenite 10
barium carb. 10
talc 15
chrome ox. 1
manganese diox. 1
cobalt carb. 2
iron ox. 2

Gary Wagoner
Auburn University