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updated mon 20 apr 98


Foresthrt on sat 18 apr 98

>looking for a chartreuse color,

Laguna's cone 5 Pippin may do it.

Mary Klotz

CaraMox on sun 19 apr 98

I've gotten very nice, acidic greens (light, yellowy, chartreuse) from small
amounts of chromium in high lithium glazes (/\5). The mug I brought to the
clay art room had a chartreuse/tan glaze on the outside that was obtained with
Alot of lithium, a very small amount of chromium, and rutile.

A good book to get ideas on color response is "the Potters Complete Palette",
which has color photos of test tiles. I think Axner was selling it at NCECA.

Cara Moczygemba