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relining alpines?

updated wed 29 apr 98


Erin Hayes on tue 28 apr 98

Hi All!

I was wondering who out there has re-lined an Alpine HF-20 lately. Ours
is in sad shape, and I think it would be best to spiff it up instead of
counting on the money to build a brand new kiln - we'd have to lay a new
foundation, build a shed, run a gas line etc. I have a feeling we'd be
better off for the short term to re-line the one we've got. Especially
with the penny pinching on campus right now.

I think Vince Pitelka has mentioned this to me before, but it's been a
year or so. Anyone have an estimate of materials, any sage advice, or
an idea of who might be able to do a re-lining for us?

All input is welcome!
