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receding glazes

updated fri 1 may 98


Mert & Holly Kilpatrick on thu 30 apr 98

I am hoping someone can give us a suggestion on a glaze problem we are
having (^6 electric). With three glazes (posted below), the glaze is
receding from the
edges of the test tile to the center, leaving an unglazed (or incredibly
thinly glazed) edge. The glazes look lovely, they are just stingy and don't
want to cover the whole surface. Actually the effect might be nice for some
purposes, but not what we want at the moment.

Two of the glazes are matt, and they only recede a little bit, maybe a
sixteenth to an eighth of an inch. One is semi-glossy and it is a nice pool
in the middle of the test tile. This problem doesn't seem to be discussed
in the books I have. Is this as simple as increasing the
flux? We really like the glaze surfaces just as they are, we just want
them to relax and stay spread out.

Here are the glazes we are having this trouble with:

Lasse's Semi-Matt Golden Yellow (this glaze is from Lasse Ostmann's web
site. I think I may have altered it a little because as I remember I
didn't have all the materials she listed. It is a goldish tan, gold where

Custer Spar 69.9
Whiting 21.7
EPK 3.7
Redart 4.4
Talc 0.3
Rutile 8.5
RIO 6.8

Na2O 0.11 Al2O3 0.42 SiO2 2.61
K2O 0.24 Fe2O3 0.01
MgO 0.01
CaO 0.64

Soft Matt Green Breaking Tan (this was posted on clayart by someone, I
don't have the name in front of me now. For us it is pale tan, paler where
thinner. Haven't seen any green):

Neph. syenite 65
Dolomite 7
Whiting 5
Kaolin 7
Flint 10
Bentonite 2
zinc oxide 4
rutile 6
Cu Carb 2

Na2O 0.33 Al2O3 0.59 SiO2 2.82
K2O 0.11
MgO 0.12
CaO 0.28
ZnO 0.15

Creme of Mushroom (this was posted to clayart by Dan Saultmann, I think
last summer when people were talking about beer mugs. This is a
semi-glossy cream/tan with white flecking, very nice. It recedes alot into
the middle of the tile.

Spodumene 10.7
Neph. syenite 40.7
Whiting 9.6
flint 23.3
Gerstley borate 7.6
dolomite 4.8
zinc oxide 3.4
rutile 4
Bentonite 1.5
Zircopax 10.2

Na2O 0.19 Al2O3 0.37 SiO2 2.68
K2O 0.07 B2O3 0.16
MgO 0.08
CaO 0.47
Li2O 0.08
ZnO 0.12