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purple-blue dry barium matt

updated wed 17 jun 98


Susan Walton on tue 5 may 98

I am searching for different formulas for purple-blues or other bright,
colorful,dry, barium matt glazes, preferably in the cone 6 oxidation range
but other temps and atmospheric conditions would be welcome. Any recipes
with application and firing tips would be greatly appreciated!


Karen Gringhuis on thu 7 may 98

Susan - try the base from WOO YELLOW. It's quite dry - I plan to throw
a little frit into my next batch to loosen it up a bit.

Kona F-4 34%
BaCO3 25
Dolomite 12
Flint 7
Zircopax 15
Total 100% Read 100% and 6 ingredients

Class test replacing the Ba w/ strontrontium was NOT satisfactory
for yellow which is WOO's usual color - using RI.O 3%.

My gGUESS is that subbing strontium would keep the color OK in
a blue glaze.

My PERSONAL taste doen't like zircpx. so here's the recalulated
recipe without it which leads to more Ba.
Kona F-4 40%
Dolomite 14
BaCO3 30
Flint 8
total 100% read 100% and 5 ingredients

BOTH these are for C/9-10.

This is one glaze to deinitely HAVE TESTED professionally for
Ba release. I have a test working now coloring it w/ chrome.

Good luck. Karen Gringhuis

Susan Raku on fri 8 may 98

Karen, I don' t remember what I had originally asked so please excuse my
questions. I assume this is a reduction glaze? What do you use as a colorant
to get the purple blue? and in what quantity?


Karen Gringhuis on tue 16 jun 98

Susan - did I ever answer your last query? Yes Woo works in
redtn - Woo Yellow IS a redtn glze. I've never used it for
purple blue but try a stain &/or obviously a tiny bit of
cobalt. Don't have the recipe in front of me but red/purple
Mason stains wipe out in a glaze w/ some calcium.

If this is still an open discussion, please write me back.
Otherwise, my apologies & disregard this. Karen Girnghuis