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can't find this frit

updated sat 9 may 98


lpskeen on wed 6 may 98

I have a recipe from the studio where I started out, for a ^6 shino. It
calls for a barium frit called "CA257", which I can't find. Anybody
know what this is, or what is equivalent? We have barium in the studio,
but not barium frit. If I knew what was in the frit maybe I could sub
it out.

Lisa Skeen
Living Tree Pottery & Soaps
"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful
words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of
the good people." -- Dr. M. L. King, Jr. 4/16/63

lpskeen on thu 7 may 98

lpskeen wrote:
> I have a recipe from the studio where I started out, for a ^6 shino. It calls
> know what this is, or what is equivalent? We have barium in the studio,> but

Addendum: I have called Kickwheel, Axner, Davens, Mid-South, Highwater,
ART, Piedmont and Vince Pitelka , but NOBODY has heard of this frit.
My Chappell book says Hommel makes a barium frit, #494, and Pemco makes
one caled P626, but I can't find anyone who carries anything but Ferro
frits. Yikes.

Lisa Skeen
Living Tree Pottery & Soaps
"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful
words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of
the good people." -- Dr. M. L. King, Jr. 4/16/63

Tony Hansen on fri 8 may 98

I think you mean frit CC257 not CA257

DATE: 03/07/98

Substitute: Fusion F-403
A fritted source of barium. Essentially an alkaline-earth aluminum
silicate. Ferro's instructions are:

First determine the percent BaO in the glaze (% barium carbonate
0.777), then divide that figure by 0.378 to determine the amount of
necessary to supply that amount of BaO. [Example: assume 12% barium
carbonate; X 0.777 - 9.324% BaO, / 0.378 = 24.67 parts CC257-2 to
the equivalent amount of BaO as 12% barium carbonate.] Then, reduce
alumina and silica in the glaze by the extra percentage of frit used
- 12, = 12.67), in the ratio of approximately 1 alumina : 4 silica.

Approximate Composition:
CaO less than 5%
BaO 37.8
Al2O3 5-25%
SiO2 25-50%
ZrO2 less than 5%
TiO2 less than 5%

Coefficient of expansion (calculated): 8.24 x 10-6
Coefficient of expansion (measured): 6.8 x 10-6
Frit Fusion: 1700F
Empirical Silica:Alumina ratio: 14.07

CAS Number: 65997-18-4

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Don't fight the glaze dragon alone
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