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discounts/reply to sam

updated wed 13 may 98


Leslie Ihde on tue 12 may 98

Sam, I didn't mean to be undermining galleries- but I also wouldn't charge
what a gallery would charge. I understand your point to mean that we
should'nt degrade our work by complying with the "discount" notion.
Unfortunately, it would take a great deal of time to appropriately
educate someone as to the nature of pottery, and not all customers are
asking for an indepth answer to their questions. Our society has
cultivated the "discount" notion to the point where many people only buy
discount- it's a game all the stores play. I think an alternative to my
intial remark- "These pieces are discounted, youre buying directly from
me" would be your remark- I'd vary it to something like "I don't
participate in the "sale and discount" thing, I just start off with a fair
price and stick to it."

Leslie in Vestal NY