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ron roy insight workshop

updated tue 19 may 98


LJTCW on sat 16 may 98

Is anyone else going to the workshop in North Bay, Ontario from July 6-10 and
driving from TRoronto? I could use a ride sometime on the Sunday before
(5th). Please let me know asap.
You can reply directly to me. Thanks...
Louise Jenks
in Cincinnati

Cheryl L Litman on mon 18 may 98

Is anyone driving up from the new Jersey area for this workshop? If not
I'd also like a ride from Toronto or to share the cost of a rental.

Cheryl Litman
Somerset, NJ

On Sat, 16 May 1998 16:18:42 EDT LJTCW writes:
>Is anyone else going to the workshop in North Bay, Ontario from July
>6-10 and
>driving from TRoronto? I could use a ride sometime on the Sunday
>(5th). Please let me know asap.
>You can reply directly to me. Thanks...
>Louise Jenks
>in Cincinnati

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