Lee Love on fri 15 may 98
Does anybody have Ruggles & Rankin's current address? I ran
across mention of their "Buddhist Ethics" again, in an article appearing in
APR/MAY'98 American Craft and realized it might be time for me to try and
get in touch with them.
/(o\' Lee In Saint Paul, Minnesota USA
\o)/' mailto:Ikiru@Kami.com ' http://www.millcomm.com/~leelove/ikiru.html
Dennis Davis on sat 16 may 98
Lee Love wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Does anybody have Ruggles & Rankin's current address? I ran
> across mention of their "Buddhist Ethics" again, in an article appearing in
> APR/MAY'98 American Craft and realized it might be time for me to try and
> get in touch with them.
Will and Douglass are at:
Rock Creek Pottery
Rt. 2 Box 235
Bakersville, NC 28705
Dennis in Stafford, VA
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