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fireworks on the move

updated sat 23 may 98


Richard Selfridge on fri 22 may 98

Just a quick note to update the group on the Fireworks conference. Fred
Olsen and nearly 50 class members have just completed and loaded a 200
cubic foot "Anahog" kiln that is a meeting of East and West. We started on
Monday morning. In one direction it is an anagama with a large firebox and
chimney, and perpendicular to that it has a firebox and triple chimney like
a groundhog.
It will first be fired with the anagama flow till we reach cone 10 and
then that firebox and chimney will be closed and we fire accross the
setting (really a round kiln) for thirty hours to build up ash on the sides
of the pots. I have two small plates in a hot spot and am hoping for the
best. We hope to quick cool and unload sunday night.
Warren Mackenzie has his wheel set up in the studio (he drove from
Minnesota) and will demonstrate tomorrow (friday). Jun Kaneko is here and
the excitement is building.

Got to go, Richard Selfridge