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cyber-space competition

updated sat 6 jun 98


chris cox on wed 27 may 98

As well as the internal competition for those exhibiting at Potfest
Penrith this year there will be an online section with open entry. This
will only exist in cyber-space and will be judged entirely by those
taking part. The winner may not be the most accomplished, the most
technically competent, the most challenging but will be the most popular
with all those taking part. Potfest is a non-elitist event so all
entries will be anonymous before judging, names and other information
being added after voting has taken place
This year's theme is "SACRED CONTAINER"
Final date for entries 10/7/98.
For further details see "Whats New" section on the Potfest site.

The success of this venture depends on the number of potters prepared to
have a go, so don't get precious, treat it as a bit of fun. You're
welcome whoever you are.

Deadlines are tight so please pass this information on as soon as
possible to as many individuals or groups as you can and we'll see what

chris cox on fri 5 jun 98

In message , chris cox
>This year's theme is "SACRED CONTAINER"
>Final date for entries 10/7/98.
>For further details see "Whats New" section on the Potfest site.
>The success of this venture depends on the number of potters prepared to
>have a go, so don't get precious, treat it as a bit of fun. You're
>welcome whoever you are.
>Deadlines are tight so please pass this information on as soon as
>possible to as many individuals or groups as you can and we'll see what

Cmon you guys - let your pots do the talking for a while.

Whenever and wherever potters meet the conversation is invariably the
same. We have a special bond that few if any can match.
On a recent holiday in Greece I came upon an old potter stoking a
precarious looking kiln. To my shame I speak no Greek and he had no need
for English but we talked with mime and scratched drawings in the earth.
We talked about firing and his pots. His soul was infront of me in the
form of his work but I had no examples of mine to show him so remained
safe. Perhaps the real bonding takes place when we show each other who
we are through our work. Until then we merely exchange information.

The cyber-space competition
When we introduced the first themed competition into Potfest it was
really intended as a point of social contact. The idea of the cyber-
space entry is merely to do the same. It isn't realy a competition it's
a chance for everyone to do the same thing at the same time and meet
each other at the preview evening. It isn't about making or breaking
reputations its only playing in mud with a few friends. Hell - as yet
there isn't even a prize other than possibly making a few more friends.

So for all you out there with the nerve to have a go, see you at the
party [ if I make my piece in time ].
Geoff Cox