Norm Straker on wed 3 jun 98
Hey Folks,
I wanted to try this clay body out because heard it was good. Don't
remember where it came from. Possibly the CM magazine.
Jordan or Mammoth Clay - 20 (thus my problem)
Tennessee White Ball Clay - 25
Plastic Fireclay - 30
Nephylene Syenite - 10
Flint - 5
Grog (fine for throwing) - 12
I am not able to find any company that has Jordan or Mammoth clay or even
knows what it is.
If any body know what I can substitute for this I would be grateful!
Thanks in advance! Norm! 8^o
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DIANA PANCIOLI, ASSOC. PROF. on thu 4 jun 98
Norm: I don't think Jordan is mined any longer. It is a sticky, plastic,
stoneware if I recall correctly. This is probably an old formula. If you
look at the total plastic clay in it 20 Jordan plus 25 Ball, it might
be a little too much anyway. What is it about this body in particular
that you like?
On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, Norm Straker wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hey Folks,
> I wanted to try this clay body out because heard it was good. Don't
> remember where it came from. Possibly the CM magazine.
> Jordan or Mammoth Clay - 20 (thus my problem)
> Tennessee White Ball Clay - 25
> Plastic Fireclay - 30
> Nephylene Syenite - 10
> Flint - 5
> Grog (fine for throwing) - 12
> I am not able to find any company that has Jordan or Mammoth clay or even
> knows what it is.
> If any body know what I can substitute for this I would be grateful!
> Thanks in advance! Norm! 8^o
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> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
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Edouard Bastarache on thu 4 jun 98
Try Goldart
Edouard Bastarache
> De : Norm Straker
> A : Multiple recipients of list CLAYART
> Objet : Cone 6 claybody
> Date : 3 juin, 1998 08:34
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hey Folks,
> I wanted to try this clay body out because heard it was good. Don't
> remember where it came from. Possibly the CM magazine.
> Jordan or Mammoth Clay - 20 (thus my problem)
> Tennessee White Ball Clay - 25
> Plastic Fireclay - 30
> Nephylene Syenite - 10
> Flint - 5
> Grog (fine for throwing) - 12
> I am not able to find any company that has Jordan or Mammoth clay or even
> knows what it is.
> If any body know what I can substitute for this I would be grateful!
> Thanks in advance! Norm! 8^o
> _____________________________________________________________________
> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
> Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
Tony Hansen on thu 4 jun 98
> I wanted to try this clay body out because heard it was good. Don't
> remember where it came from. Possibly the CM magazine.
> Jordan or Mammoth Clay - 20 (thus my problem)
> Tennessee White Ball Clay - 25
> Plastic Fireclay - 30
> Nephylene Syenite - 10
> Flint - 5
> Grog (fine for throwing) - 12
With only 10 parts feldspar mixed with fire clay this body will be
exceptionally refractory and nowhere near vitreous or strong.
However it sure would resist warping in the kiln.
T o n y H a n s e n
Don't fight the dragon alone
Calculation/Database Software for Ceramic Industry
cyberscape on thu 4 jun 98
Jordan and Monmouth (not Mammoth) are plastic fireclays, so just
increase the plastic fireclay that you are using to 50, (one whole bag
is easier to measure anyway)
Harvey Sadow
> Hey Folks,
> I wanted to try this clay body out because heard it was good. Don't
> remember where it came from. Possibly the CM magazine.
> Jordan or Mammoth Clay - 20 (thus my problem)
> Tennessee White Ball Clay - 25
> Plastic Fireclay - 30
> Nephylene Syenite - 10
> Flint - 5
> Grog (fine for throwing) - 12
> I am not able to find any company that has Jordan or Mammoth clay or even
> knows what it is.
> If any body know what I can substitute for this I would be grateful!
> Thanks in advance! Norm! 8^o
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