Buck and Laurita on thu 4 jun 98
1) I went into the fabric-painting section of my craft store (Pearl)
and bought a set of "Tjanting Tools" (sizes s.m.l., 3 for $9.04) said to
be for batik or Ukrainian egg decorating. Plan to experiment with using
them for tile decoration as soon as the "decks" (tables) are clear.
I've used wax as a resist for faux marble on fabric (worked fine); what
I especially like about batik is the fine crackle produced on the
fabric. Will try to get this effect by rapid cooling and/or scratching
with pins 'n' needles. Any other suggesitons?
2) I've used really skinny tape by Formaline - comes in widths almost
down to hairlike. Mfr: Graphic Products Corp., Wheeling, Illinois
60090. It's sold with drafting supplies. Also 3M makes tape in 1/4"
widths - both drafting tape and white tape. I use these interchangably
in mural painting when I need to mask off the edge of a curve, as I can
make tape stretch or flex.
Laura Chandler - laurachn@erols.com
Kensington MD where the tornadoes missed us and it's a beautiful day
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