Joyce Lee on sun 7 jun 98
The pros among you may want to click the delete button about now since
this is mostly for us newbie/intermedie types. I just returned from the
Tom Coleman workshop in Vegas and am anxious to try all the skills he
so artfully demonstrated for us. Tom is a master artist, a gifted
potter and a true teacher. As a direct result of Clayart, I've only
been exposed to fine teacher/artists during the workshops I've managed
to attend. Tom is definitely, absolutely a star in that honorable
group. I came away with hands-on experience and improved understandings
about exactly what I had hoped to learn...creative handles, the latest
tools, improved glazing, and, most importantly, throwing "better" forms.
My very own Bison tools are tucked away in sponges at this moment. I was
using sarcasm when I commented that owning such tools would immediately
make me a better potter. Misplaced sarcasm, that is. I AM a better
potter when I use the Bisons. Impressive. Worth the money. Thanks,
And, and, and... I SAW with my own two wrinkled-bedecked browns the
famous Geil kiln (the very one from the falsely maligned ad) loaded,
fired and reopened by The Man, himself. There they were! Beautiful
copper-reds sparkling like jewels all in a row on shelf after shelf.
Still hot. My four among them. Eat your words, people. I'm still
choking on mine...
Will this addiction to clay never cease? Hope not. It would sure help
if I'd had a crumb of talent tossed my way, however. It takes me four
times as long...maybe forty accomplish what others seem to
just snap right up through their pores. Must be a lesson here
somewhere.....or a pony.
In the Mojave once again
....saved my pennies by not going to NCECA, remember?
Tony Hansen on mon 8 jun 98
I talked to Tom at NCECA about his porcelain clay body.
He said it is super plastic yet never cracks.
This does not add up as plastic bodies are harder to dry.
What is the scoop on this? BMix is superplasic but it must
be dried carefully, as does any other plastic porcelain I've
seen. Did you use his body? What was it like?
T o n y H a n s e n
Don't fight the dragon alone
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