Joyce Lee.......... on mon 29 jun 98
I've been faceting with a cheese-slicer, among other tools, as suggested
on Clayart. Now I'd like to try faceting with a tofu-slicer, which I
understand has a spiraled wire rather than a straight one. I think "we"
could make one, but would prefer to buy it. None around here. Anyone
have an idea where such an item can be purchased? Not in major catalogs
within my possession. Thanks.
In the Mojave ready to go out to kiln patio and move the pushbroom
inside to keep the wild rabbits from eating it, straw by straw.
Cindy on tue 30 jun 98
Try replacing the wire in a nicer cheese slicer with a twisted wire. Either
twist your own, or try stretching out the spring from a ball-point pen.
Cindy Strnad
Earthen Vessels
Custer, SD
Wayne Rives on tue 30 jun 98
Go to your Ace Hardware and look for a spring made of small wire at least 5
or 6 inches long.
You'll have to guess at a coil size that might work for you. Then put one
end of the spring in
a vise and pull the other end with a pair of pliers to straighten the
spring's coils. What you
will get, depending on how far you pull, will be a wire with a regular
scalloped profile. This
can be used to cut off or facet, leaving a scalloped texture.
Peachtree City, GA
Jan Cartron on wed 1 jul 98
Try replacing the wire in a nicer cheese slicer with a twisted wire. Either
twist your own, or try stretching out the spring from a ball-point pen -- or /
and a spiral notebook.
Joyce Lee on thu 2 jul 98
Thanks to so many of you. I did replace the wire on two cheese slicers
with springs from ACE hardware, Wayne...thank you very much. I, also,
Cindy, took the spring from a ballpoint pen, stretched it and am using
it as is without a handle. My Clay Times arrived yesterday, read the
article on springs etc, as well as the mention of such faceting in Lana
Wilson's article, and have twisted a very long cutting wire for forming
such marks on pot bottoms. Three high-sided bowls (about 9" by 11")
benefitted today and look pretty good. Also found a shoe horn that has a
pleasing curve and makes a grand mark.
In the Mojave amazed at the number of commercially made bowls, mugs etc
that are NOT round. Even on something like Pyrex there often is a bit
of a tilt or dip...has to be in the mold, right? My perception of
"roundness" is forever ruined. Just as my passion for shooting pics
cooled when I taught photography for a few years...could never look at a
"snapshot" again with complete enjoyment.
Linda Mccaleb on fri 23 oct 09
=3DA0=3DA0 Hello ClayArters,=3D0A=3DA0 I have a problem with faceting,openi=
ng up th=3D
e vessel and having the rim split. I have allowed extra clay to the rim to =
solve this. This seems to simple of a problem to bring to the list, but I d=
on't know what I'm doing wrong. I have used low fire clay, B-mix cone 5 sto=
re brand stoneware cone 5, and porcelalin cone 5-6,( I forgot what kind, it=
was from Kentucky). I make my vessel about 1/2/inch around the part that I=
will facet, take off about 1/4 to 1/3 inch at the widest part of the facet=
. When I do this, I start about 1/3 inch from the top to leave enough clay =
to stretch at the top. I have been making bowls, which I think are simpler =
than glasses, with is what I really want to do. Since I am doing bowls, I w=
ant a spiral like movement of the facets on the sides. Am I using the wrong=
clay? I use pretty soft clay, soft enough that if I added any more water i=
t would be unworkable and sticky. I'm afraid to buy any more clay. I have n=
othing to mix my own
clay with.=3D0A=3DA0 Should I just give up and cut straight facets on glas=
ses =3D
and bowls?=3D0A=3DA0 Sorry to wast all your time on this simple subject, bu=
t I =3D
have been fighting this for a year now, trying it about 3 times a week.=3DA=
0 =3D
=3D0A=3DA0 Thank you for listening,=3D0A=3DA0 Linda=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A
Les on fri 23 oct 09
Linda -
Call Hank Murrow!!!
Les on Vancouver Island.
On 2009-10-23, at 11:15 AM, Linda Mccaleb wrote:
> Hello ClayArters,
> I have a problem with faceting,opening up the vessel and having
> the rim split.
claybuds@ATT.NET on sat 24 oct 09
Hi Linda,
=3DC2=3DA0Try straight faceting of tumblers and bowls and I think you'll ha=
ve m=3D
ore success. I facet porcelain and I wait until after the piece is firm eno=
ugh to trim a foot, but before the piece is leather hard. You might conside=
r trying B-mix again, as it is a body with lots of ball clay in it, so it s=
hould be quite forgiving. When you've had some success, then try porcelain =
David Beumee
Lafayette, CO
=3DC2=3DA0 -------------- Original message from Linda Mccaleb b1@Y=3D
AHOO.COM>: --------------=3D20
> =3DC2=3DA0=3DC2=3DA0 Hello ClayArters, =3DC2=3DA0 I have a problem with f=
ing up the vessel and having the rim split. I have allowed extra clay to t=
he rim to solve this. This seems to simple of a problem to bring to the li=
st, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have used low fire clay, B-mi=
x cone 5 store brand stoneware cone 5, and porcelalin cone 5-6,( I forgot =
what kind, it was from Kentucky). I make my vessel about 1/2/inch around t=
he part that I will facet, take off about 1/4 to 1/3 inch at the widest pa=
rt of the facet. When I do this, I start about 1/3 inch from the top to lea=
ve enough clay to stretch at the top. I have been making bowls, which I th=
ink are simpler than glasses, with is what I really want to do. Since I am=
doing bowls, I want a spiral like movement of the facets on the sides. Am=
I using the wrong clay? I use pretty soft clay, soft enough that if I add=
ed any more water it would be unworkable and sticky. I'm afraid to buy any=
more clay. I have nothing=3D20=3D20
> to mix my own=3D20
> clay with.=3D20
> =3DC2=3DA0 Should I just give up and cut straight facets on glasses and b=
> =3DC2=3DA0 Sorry to wast all your time on this simple subject, but I have=
n fighting=3D20=3D20
> this for a year now, trying it about 3 times a week.=3DC2=3DA0=3D20=3D20
> =3DC2=3DA0 Thank you for listening,=3D20
> =3DC2=3DA0 Linda=3D20
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