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latvian earthenware

updated mon 6 jul 98


Jonathan Kirkendall on sun 5 jul 98

Hi Everyone:

Just got back from the Folklife Festival down on the Mall (an annual
festival of folk art from around the world and around the States) and saw
some truly intriguing earthenware pots by a Latvian potter named Ingrida
Zagata. It was described as traditional Kurzeme and Latgale pottery, and
looked like a cross between pitfire, oxidation glaze firing, and raku.
The pictures of the firing showed a large square brick kiln being stocked
with wood underneath, and pots piled on a grate sitting on top. There
was no one available to explain the process, and I really liked the pots.
Anybody out there know how these pots are made?

Jonathan in DC,
counting down until 9:10 when the fireworks begin.