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proposal for mosaic tile mural

updated thu 9 jul 98


phyllis michele greenhouse on wed 8 jul 98


hi gang..i did not receive many replies from the list, so i took this
endeavor unto myself and i'd really like some feedback before i submit
this proposal..its due today, but i'll try and hold off till i get any or
all criticism from all of our experts out there in cyberclayland....gonna
cut and paste the proposal here for your perusal...

Proposal for Mosaic Tile and Sculptural Clay Mural at Such and Such

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the decorating committee
for having selected me to create this monumental work of art to be
erected at the Such and Such Tower Building. I appreciate the chance to
be involved in such a wonderful endeavor, and relish the concept, that
with my project, the new addition to the =22Home=22 will be richly


The project itself, consists of a 9 foot wide by 5 foot high mosaic tile
mural, in the Art Deco style, that depicts a highly stylized figure of a
woman with decorative baubles and beads. There is a design motif
emanating out from behind the central figure, in several layers of
coordinating colors, which closely match the palette of colors that have
been selected for the carpet installation just outside of the library.
Also, beyond this layered motif are 4 Art Deco corner designs. The mural
itself, will be a luxurious potpourri of colors, patterns and textures,
that will be created for the Library/Judaic museum, centered on the north
interior wall, behind, and over a custom desk and two accent chairs. The
thousands of tiles will be trimmed to range from the size of a quarter to
the size of a silver dollar - all within the ratio of the rendering that
I have submitted separately. I will incorporate sculptural additions
(hair tendrils/mirrored earrings/raku fired beads) within the mural
itself, and trim these areas into mosaicesque pieces as to totally give a
cohesive visual affect to the entire mural. In keeping within the
framework of the addition of sculptural components, I will create on the
potters wheel, some of the elements that will be utilized, and this will
give an all over mixed media appearance that lends itself quite
handsomely to a project of this nature. Tiles, sculptural additions and
diverse firing techniques are all inter-related and will each prove to
enhance one another, whilst providing a striking visionary appeal to the
totality of the room.

Project Management

The management of the project will be as follows : The entire 45 square
feet will be divided into 16 separate panels, wherein the design will be
transferred to each of these panels via =22wonderboard=22 or another
commensurate type of concrete impregnated material. The project is to be
worked upon in a specified area, most likely on the campus of Such and
Such, as previously discussed with Mr. So and So. Upon completion of the
panels, they will be drilled individually into the wall that has been
treated with a plywood veneer to accept and hold a mural of these
proportions (to be done by your workers) under my supervision. The weight
will be evenly distributed, and each of the sixteen panels individually,
will not weigh in excess of 25 pounds. Upon strategic layout of these
panels across the expanse of the wall in equal distance, it will not
exceed any of the necessary architectural parameters. The mural will also
consist of a mosaic border completely surrounding the edges (depicted in
the rendering) that will provide a striking Deco appearance. After the
panels are in place, there will be a =BC inch gap between them. At this
time, additional pieces of mosaic tile will be introduced, so when the
entire mural is grouted, the surrounding seams will be hidden and there
will be no visible signs that there were ever separate panels. I also
envision an additional outside 3=22 to 4=22 border, to be constructed by =
choice of carpenter, ideally, crafted from the same wood that is being
utilized in this room, that would coordinate with, and put the finishing
touches on this extraordinary work of art.

Project Time Parameters

With the scope of this prodigious project, I would expect to start the
actual work as soon as possible. I shall be working nonstop
(approximately 8 hours a day) until its completion and hope to have the
mural ready for the buildings' grand opening in mid November. Most of
the mural will be constructed on the campus, although, there will be
some components that will need to be created in my own studio, due to the
necessity of using specific equipment that I have there. All deliveries
will be made by myself or my crew, in accordance with whatever codes and
instructions you need me to abide by.

Project Costs

Cost of materials=3B crew and subcontractor expenses=3B 1,200 Hours Labor

=40 =24100/hr. (including formulation of design, rendering and layout

of design, actual work performed in creation of entire project)

Total Estimated Cost =
=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85 =24146,500

As an extended member of the Such and Such family, it is an honor and
pleasure to be chosen to contribute a work of art that will stand for
generations as an acknowledgement to a woman who has done so much for her
community and her religion. For this tribute, I have reduced my charges
by 35=25, so that the total estimated cost will be =2495,225. I shall await
your response and approval.

Yours truly,

Such and Such

well, that's it..sorry about the length, but u all know how loquacious i
can be...not sure if all this is called for, hence the public query for

phyllis michele greenhouse
