susanford on tue 14 jul 98
Forgive me for this very basic question. What do people
make with an extruder? I know they are used for handles,
coils for pots, etc., but what other things can you do with
an extruder?
I've never seen anyone use one for more than making a
handle or two.
Susan K. Ford
Norman, Oklahoma
Alison Hamilton on wed 15 jul 98
You can extrude great salt and pepper shakers. If you extrude a hollow
rectangle (or whatever your preferred shape is), add top and bottom,
drill holes when leather hard and add a cork to a side hole for a place
to fill them up, you end up with a great pair of shakers, or herb jars,
or whatever. The wonkier they are, the better they look, I think.
Plus, by the time you've finished smoothing them over and over, they fit
your hand exactly and are quite ergonomic.
Alison Hamilton
Dorset, ON wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Forgive me for this very basic question. What do people
> make with an extruder? I know they are used for handles,
> coils for pots, etc., but what other things can you do with
> an extruder?
> I've never seen anyone use one for more than making a
> handle or two.
> Susan
> ---
> Susan K. Ford
> Norman, Oklahoma
Annette Frank on thu 16 jul 98
Susan, - We use the extruder in hand building. The beauty of it is, that
you get endless length of uniform clay. Press out coils, if coil-building
is your pleasure, use different diameters for various pieces. We use
really skinny spagetti for hair on our human forms, square shapes for
window frames, or simply press out a lenth of odd shaped clay and slice it
like salami for decorating bowls or vases. (All this food simile is making
me hungry.) Once you start working with it, you will be amazed about all
the uses you will dream up.
On Tue, 14 Jul 1998, susanford wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Forgive me for this very basic question. What do people
> make with an extruder? I know they are used for handles,
> coils for pots, etc., but what other things can you do with
> an extruder?
> I've never seen anyone use one for more than making a
> handle or two.
> Susan
> ---
> Susan K. Ford
> Norman, Oklahoma
Kathy A. Cheriki on thu 16 jul 98
I read in a book that you can make boxes also if you have a big enough
square or other shape hollow die...this never occurred to me!!!!!
Stephen Mills on sat 18 jul 98
Seriously, the possibilities of a good extruder are limitless; e.g you
can make spheres. Make a half circle slot die, position it to one side
of the barrel, pressure distortion does the rest, you just join the ends
up. This is easiest with a square barrelled extruder.
In message , Kathy A. Cheriki writes
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I read in a book that you can make boxes also if you have a big enough
>square or other shape hollow die...this never occurred to me!!!!!
Steve Mills
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