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outdoor gallery!

updated mon 27 jul 98


Molly Gorger on sun 19 jul 98

July 31, August 1st and 2nd

NW 103rd & Cornell Rd.
Portland, Or 97229 (at the flashing yellow light)

For those in the Portland Area.......there is a wonderful Garden Gallery
going on! Joel Cottet is an amazing artist potter. He will be
demonstrating his unique centering technique that enables the throwing
of large amounts of clay on the potters wheel each day from 1-4. The
man has a 4400 lb. pot in his yard he threw on the wheel!! One of his
goals is by his 60th birthday to have a 5000 lb. pot thrown! Any
challengers? And I am pleased with 20 lbs!

It is amazing to watch the man work, and his technique is truly unique.
The class I took from him introduced to me a whole new feeling with the
clay. If you are in or near the Portland area I would recommend this
for an afternoon!

Or if you are interested in maybe taking a class from him, he runs
classes about every other weekend.......starting July 25th.......they
are two day classes, Sat. and Sun. for more information on any of this
you could call 503-292-0485. Tell them you got info from Clayart and
Molly I'd like that! Or I will answer any questions I can if you get
back to me.

Relax, Laugh and Enjoy!

I copied this from one of his brochure's all true!
For years, Joel Cottet has been stretching the imaginations of
architects and designers. The same individuals who used to find his
ability to work with huge masses of clay nearly unbelievable, today no
longer think it unusual to include a pottery pedestal sink, ceramic
shower, or rooms filled with ceramic furniture in their plans. For
them, Joel's creations are truly functional works of art. And they
continue to look to him for fresh ideas, because they know that if it
can be done in clay, he will somehow find a way.

Les Crimp on mon 20 jul 98

Molly -
What kind of a wheel does he use? When he puts 44oo lbs. of clay on a
wheel, is he pulling up a pot using this amount of clay - or is he coiling
and then throwing?

Just curious after seeing Svend Bayer make his large garden pots.

Les Crimp in Nanoose Bay, B.C

>Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 21:38:56 -0700
>From: Molly Gorger
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: Ceramic Arts Discussion List
>Subject: Outdoor Gallery!
>July 31, August 1st and 2nd
>NW 103rd & Cornell Rd.
>Portland, Or 97229 (at the flashing yellow light)
>For those in the Portland Area.......there is a wonderful Garden Gallery
>going on! Joel Cottet is an amazing artist potter. He will be
>demonstrating his unique centering technique that enables the throwing
>of large amounts of clay on the potters wheel each day from 1-4. The
>man has a 4400 lb. pot in his yard he threw on the wheel!! One of his
>goals is by his 60th birthday to have a 5000 lb. pot thrown! Any
>challengers? And I am pleased with 20 lbs!
>It is amazing to watch the man work, and his technique is truly unique.
>The class I took from him introduced to me a whole new feeling with the
>clay. If you are in or near the Portland area I would recommend this
>for an afternoon!
>Or if you are interested in maybe taking a class from him, he runs
>classes about every other weekend.......starting July 25th.......they
>are two day classes, Sat. and Sun. for more information on any of this
>you could call 503-292-0485. Tell them you got info from Clayart and
>Molly I'd like that! Or I will answer any questions I can if you get
>back to me.
>Relax, Laugh and Enjoy!
>I copied this from one of his brochure's all true!
>For years, Joel Cottet has been stretching the imaginations of
>architects and designers. The same individuals who used to find his
>ability to work with huge masses of clay nearly unbelievable, today no
>longer think it unusual to include a pottery pedestal sink, ceramic
>shower, or rooms filled with ceramic furniture in their plans. For
>them, Joel's creations are truly functional works of art. And they
>continue to look to him for fresh ideas, because they know that if it
>can be done in clay, he will somehow find a way.

Molly Gorger on tue 21 jul 98


His body is limited in that he can only throw so deep.....the length of his is on an eight foot bat....the clay is brought to him be a ball
opener.....the floor of the pot is about one third of clay itself.........It
is such a big thing.......He is working on an internet site with
pictures...had one but it went down........

He had to build his own wheel.......I know he thinks soldners are the best on
the market....but I don't know for sure if Soldner helped him build his wheel
or not.

If you're in this neck of the woods ever.......he is definitely worth seeing!


Les Crimp wrote:

> Molly -
> What kind of a wheel does he use? When he puts 44oo lbs. of clay on a
> wheel, is he pulling up a pot using this amount of clay - or is he coiling
> and then throwing?

> Just curious after seeing Svend Bayer make his large garden pots.
> Les Crimp in Nanoose Bay, B.C
> >Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 21:38:56 -0700
> >From: Molly Gorger
> >Reply-To:
> >MIME-Version: 1.0
> >To: Ceramic Arts Discussion List
> >Subject: Outdoor Gallery!
> >
> >July 31, August 1st and 2nd
> >
> >NW 103rd & Cornell Rd.
> >Portland, Or 97229 (at the flashing yellow light)
> >
> >For those in the Portland Area.......there is a wonderful Garden Gallery
> >going on! Joel Cottet is an amazing artist potter. He will be
> >demonstrating his unique centering technique that enables the throwing
> >of large amounts of clay on the potters wheel each day from 1-4. The
> >man has a 4400 lb. pot in his yard he threw on the wheel!! One of his
> >goals is by his 60th birthday to have a 5000 lb. pot thrown! Any
> >challengers? And I am pleased with 20 lbs!
> >
> >It is amazing to watch the man work, and his technique is truly unique.
> >The class I took from him introduced to me a whole new feeling with the
> >clay. If you are in or near the Portland area I would recommend this
> >for an afternoon!
> >
> >Or if you are interested in maybe taking a class from him, he runs
> >classes about every other weekend.......starting July 25th.......they
> >are two day classes, Sat. and Sun. for more information on any of this
> >you could call 503-292-0485. Tell them you got info from Clayart and
> >Molly I'd like that! Or I will answer any questions I can if you get
> >back to me.
> >
> >Relax, Laugh and Enjoy!
> >~~Molly
> >
> >I copied this from one of his brochure's all true!
> >For years, Joel Cottet has been stretching the imaginations of
> >architects and designers. The same individuals who used to find his
> >ability to work with huge masses of clay nearly unbelievable, today no
> >longer think it unusual to include a pottery pedestal sink, ceramic
> >shower, or rooms filled with ceramic furniture in their plans. For
> >them, Joel's creations are truly functional works of art. And they
> >continue to look to him for fresh ideas, because they know that if it
> >can be done in clay, he will somehow find a way.
> >
> >

Teresa Murphy on sun 26 jul 98

Hi All!
Speaking of Joel Cottet, I would greatly appreciate anyone who could give me
web address. Crashed the PC awhile back and still don't have a lot of my
favorite sites back yet.
Many Thanks,

Molly Gorger on sun 26 jul 98

His web page is down for the time being.......he is working at gettin it back
up....Will post it as soon as I know it's up......Remember the Garden Gallery on
July 31st and August 1&2 at his studio.....
NW 103rd & Cornell Rd.
Portland, Oregon 97229

Teresa Murphy wrote:

> Hi All!
> Speaking of Joel Cottet, I would greatly appreciate anyone who could give me
> his
> web address. Crashed the PC awhile back and still don't have a lot of my
> favorite sites back yet.
> Many Thanks,
> Teresa