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clay allergy and dry hands

updated fri 24 jul 98


Russel Fouts on thu 23 jul 98

Fellow sufferers,

re: Clay drying out your hands

Keep a SOFT nail brush by washup sink. When I finish up a session, I scrub
my hands and fore arms all over with this, concentrating on the places the
clay gets trapped, under and around the nails, etc. Then I rinse in fresh
water. No drying problems.

I noticed that they did the same in a lot of pottery studios in Japan, when
I was there.

Makes sense when you think about how small those clay particles are and
their power to absorb moisture.

Russel (Who after suffering severe skin rash for a WHOLE month now uses a
LOT less soap)

Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
32 2 223 02 75

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