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discontinued duncan high fire art glaze\

updated fri 31 jul 98


Barney Adams on thu 30 jul 98

We have some sample glazes "Stroke Coat" or something like that. I'm not sure if
are Duncan, but I think similar to your discription. The glaze is listed as Cone
but we tested it at cone 6 and it works fine. When I get home I'll check the
company and specifics and get that to you.

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> That famous company, Duncan, up until a couple of years ago offered a glaze
> line called High Fire Art Glazes for ^6 firing. They came in 4 oz. jars and
> were quite attractive. They had marvelously colored crystaline glaze
> qualities with names like Electric Blue, Arctic Ice, Mint Julep, et al, but
> were nontoxic and dinnerware safe. The few pieces that I used these glazes on
> sold quickly, and I still have some folks asking for items with these glazes.
> Unfortunately, Duncan discontinued these glazes a couple of years ago.
> Does anyone know of any way to duplicate those glaze recipes or any way --
> short of my using a mass photo spectrometer (... mine's in the shop....;-) to
> figure out their ingredients? I do still have a few jars of the stuff but am
> hesitant to use them up.
> Sheilah Bliss
> Bliss Pottery