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favorite book list

updated sat 1 aug 98


amy parker on wed 22 jul 98

The replies to my request for everyone's three all-time favorite pottery-
related books are trickling in. How about a sudden surge of them so I can
finish this survey & tell y'all the results? Would like to finish by Aug. 1.

"Hamers" is ahead by a landslide - I just ordered from Amazon - they quote
$49.95 as "list" and their price was $34.97 - shipping & handling were only
slightly higher than the sales tax I would have paid locally, which they
did not charge!

Send your list of your three favorite pottery related books, technical or
otherwise, to:

Thanks! I am enjoying the notes that many of you have added as well!
amy parker Lithonia, GA

Lori Whitworth on mon 27 jul 98

>amy parker wrote:
>> >> "Hamers" is ahead by a landslide - I just ordered from Amazon - they quote
>> $49.95 as "list" and their price was $34.97 - shipping & handling were only
>> slightly higher than the sales tax I would have paid locally, which they
>> did not charge!
>Is "Hamers" the actual title of this book? I did a search on Amazon and the
>thing I came up with is: Bilinguality and Bilingualism ~ Josiane F. Hamers,
>Michel H.A. Blanc / Paperback / Published 1989. I'm guessing this isn't it:)
>When you have a chance, could you post the full name and author of this book?
>it's that popular I'd love to see it! :)
>Lori Whitworth
>Norcross, GA

Lori Whitworth on mon 27 jul 98

amy parker wrote:

> > "Hamers" is ahead by a landslide - I just ordered from Amazon - they quote
> $49.95 as "list" and their price was $34.97 - shipping & handling were only
> slightly higher than the sales tax I would have paid locally, which they
> did not charge!

Is "Hamers" the actual title of this book? I did a search on Amazon and the only
thing I came up with is: Bilinguality and Bilingualism ~ Josiane F. Hamers,
Michel H.A. Blanc / Paperback / Published 1989. I'm guessing this isn't it:)
When you have a chance, could you post the full name and author of this book? If
it's that popular I'd love to see it! :)

Lori Whitworth
Norcross, GA

Tony Hansen on thu 30 jul 98

> The title is, "The Potters Dictionary" by "Frank and Janet Hamer"
> In my opinion no production\artist or really interested amatear potter
> should be without this book. It is indispensible in a million ways!

You can get it at

T o n y H a n s e n
Don't fight the dragon alone
Calculation/Database Software for Ceramic Industry

Lori Whitworth on thu 30 jul 98

Thanks to all who responded both on the list and privately. I'm definately goin
pick it up, it's gotten great recomendations!

RedIron Studios wrote:

> The actual title of the book is, "The Potters Dictionary" by "Frank and Janet
> Hamer"
> In my opinion no production\artist or really interested amatear potter should
> without
> this book. It is indispensible in a million ways!
> Cheers
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lori Whitworth
> Date: Monday, July 27, 1998 6:27 PM
> Subject: Re: favorite book list
> >amy parker wrote:
> >
> >> > >> "Hamers" is ahead by a landslide - I just ordered from Amazon - they quote
> >> $49.95 as "list" and their price was $34.97 - shipping & handling were only
> >> slightly higher than the sales tax I would have paid locally, which they
> >> did not charge!
> >
> >Is "Hamers" the actual title of this book? I did a search on Amazon and the
> only
> >thing I came up with is: Bilinguality and Bilingualism ~ Josiane F. Hamers,
> >Michel H.A. Blanc / Paperback / Published 1989. I'm guessing this isn't it
> >When you have a chance, could you post the full name and author of this book?
> If
> >it's that popular I'd love to see it! :)
> >
> >Thanks
> >Lori Whitworth
> >Norcross, GA
> >
> >

Judith Enright on fri 31 jul 98

Does anyone recommend an excellent book on airbrushing techniques specifically
relating to clay work -- i.e., underglaze and glaze applications? The more
basic the better, since I've never tried this and have the (brand new) equipment
collecting dust since Christmas (my in-laws give GREAT gifts -- so supportive
are they!).

TIA --

Judith Enright @ Black Leopard Clayware