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help - automatic skutt kiln

updated sat 25 jul 98


John & Anne Worner on fri 24 jul 98

Hi Mike!

I also have a Skutt 1027-3 with an Envirovent. I have been where you
are. When I started firing about 1 1/2 years ago, Janet Walker was kind
and helped me with firing schedules. You may also hear from her. What
I want to point out first is that despite the fact that you may see
different target temperatures in one person's schedule, versus the
schedule another uses, each kiln fires differently and you will have to
do some testing to see how your kiln fires.

My schedule for a ^05 bisque: All temperatures are in Centigrade. If
you want to convert, I would suggest programming the kiln with the C
temperatures, then changing to Fahrenheit mode.
When I initially fired, I converted the C temperatures, not realizing
that you have to subtract 32 degrees from the end Fahrenheit temperature
- I had a serious overfire on my hands. Also, always use witness
cones. They are life savers.

Segment Rate Temperature Hold
1 40 120 1
2 150 525 0
3 75 600 0
4 150 700 0
5 50 900 0
6 60 1007 1
(I generally achieve a 45 - 50 minute hold in the 6th segment). Hope
the tabulated schedule doesn't garble too much as it is sent to the

^6 Glaze Firing

1 40 120 1 1/2
2 135 525
3 75 600
4 150 1000
5 60 1180 1
6 150 900 Firing down
7 50 700 " "
I turn off the Envirovent after the last segment.

I generally get a hold anywhere from 15 min to 27 minutes. The ^6 and
the ^7 almost drop
simultaneously - a real challenge!

Another challenge these days is the summer heat. The instructions for
the automatic controller state that the temperature in the room is not
to exceed 100 degrees F. Well, with our temperatures right at 100 this
becomes interesting. I start the kiln early in the morning with the A/C
About 5 in the afternoon I have to open all the doors and windows in the
studio, exhausting the heat out via ceiling fan and other fans. By the
time I reach target temperature it is late, and the sun down and I seem
to keep up with holding down the temperature in the studio.

I posted this to the list just in case anyone else was looking for a
firing schedule. Please e-mail me directly if you need anymore
information. Hope this helps.

Anne Worner
Spring, TX