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type s thermocouples, more

updated thu 30 jul 98


Cameron Harman on wed 29 jul 98

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Thermocouples and cones are differnt things and are intended for
different purposes. Cones will give you a history of the firing as
seen in that exact spot. Although they can be used by kiln
sitters to shut the kiln off, they do not tell you if there was a
faullt in the sitter or cone.

A thermocouple will tell you the temperature in the kiln at any
time during the fire. This is critical to properly firing a lot of
difficult ware. Knowledge of the preferred firing curve is really
important to good, consistent firing with some ware. With a lot of
ware, however, it is so easy to fire that thermocouples are not

Cameron G. Harman, Jr. 215-245-4040 fax 215-638-1812
Ceramic Services, Inc 1060 Park Ave. Bensalem, PA 19020
see our web site at
THE place for total kiln and drier support