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balanced glazes in the nw

updated sun 25 oct 98


Allison Stelter on fri 23 oct 98

I have had lots of trouble with Seattle Pottery Supply's Clear ^4-6. Any
suggestions? It's kind of hazy and sometimes bubbles.


Allison J.S. Hinkelman Sammamish High School
Ceramics Teacher 100 - 140th Avenue SE
Fine Arts Dept Chair Bellevue, WA 98005

voice 425.456.7626
fax 425.456.7722

Tim Lynch on sat 24 oct 98

Allison: I've had crazing problems with any cone 4-6 clear or transparent
glaze from SPS. My solution was to first try Clay Art Center's PZ Clear.
Works great. Now I'm mixing my own and trying to get Tony Hansen's 20x5
clear to stop bubbling and turning white. Was using a mix with Ghastly
Borate but after a few critiques by the list Glaze Gods, stopped. I just
need a good 4-6 clear, commercial or otherwise.


Tim Lynch
The Clay Man
1117 Tedford
East Wenatchee, WA 98802