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barium leachability (fwd

updated sat 31 oct 98


Monona Rossol on fri 30 oct 98

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 08:46:22 EST
From: wrightspot
Subject: barium leachability
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I intend to have one of my glazes, which has barium in the recipe,
tested for leachability at our local government testing laboritories, but
was very surprised to be told on the phone that there is actually no
Australian standard for barium 'leachability' (they can test my glaze and
give me a result however). I'd be very grateful to know what a safe
amount is, according to standards in other parts of the world if they are
available. Thanks, Denise.

We've been suggesting the U.S. water quality standard of 2 ppm. This is not
good toxicology, but it is pretty good common sense. There shouldn't be too
much complaint if a pot leaches no more barium into food than they would get
in a bad quality municiple water supply.

Monona Rossol
181 Thompson St., # 23
New York NY 10012-2586 212/777-0062