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ceramic tile backsplash

updated tue 26 jan 99 on sun 17 jan 99

Where can I find pictures of ceramic tile backsplashes so that I can get some
ideas on how to design my own. I'm not very artistically inclined. Thanks!

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Lana Reeves on tue 19 jan 99

I've been working on tile for my kitchen-- one wall and a backsplash. First
thing to do is figure out what you like, narrow it down. Color? Hi or low
fire? Majolica? Look at those home decorating magazines, especially the
ads. and at tile stores. Or, do you have a favorite glaze or two? When
you've got some ideas, e-mail me & we'll talk. I can also tell you about
the great tile disaster and Why I Had To Do It All Over Again, maybe help
you avoid something similar.

Lana in Somerville, MA

-----Original Message-----
Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 8:11 PM
Subject: Ceramic tile backsplash

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Where can I find pictures of ceramic tile backsplashes so that I can get
ideas on how to design my own. I'm not very artistically inclined. Thanks!

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Sundman, P. Roger and Claudia on tue 19 jan 99 wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Where can I find pictures of ceramic tile backsplashes so that I can get some
> ideas on how to design my own. I'm not very artistically inclined. Thanks!
Dear Yeddar,

I highly recommend Frank Giorgini's book titled "Handmade Tiles:
Designing, Making, Decorating". It has lots of inspirational pictures
and very good instructions for a variety of techniques. He gives some
good tips for the production tile maker as well as detailed instructions
for novices.

At the risk of starting the local bookstore vs. Amazon thread again, let
me say that I bought my copy at a pottery supply house, but it is also
available from Amazon for $17.47. The ISBN number is 0937274763. Maybe
you can avoid the whole book vendor issue by getting your local library
to find it? Good luck.


Lois Ruben Aronow on wed 20 jan 99

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 00:02:53 EST, Lana Reeves wrote:

=3E----------------------------Original message----------------------------
=3EI've been working on tile for my kitchen-- one wall and a backsplash. =
=3Ething to do is figure out what you like, narrow it down. Color? Hi or =
=3Efire? Majolica? Look at those home decorating magazines, especially the
=3Eads. and at tile stores. Or, do you have a favorite glaze or two? When
=3Eyou've got some ideas, e-mail me =26 we'll talk. I can also tell you =
=3Ethe great tile disaster and Why I Had To Do It All Over Again, maybe help
=3Eyou avoid something similar.
Uh oh. I am about to produce tile for the kitchen and fireplace of
the house we are renovating. I thought I was well-prepared, but...


Just curious.


Mert & Holly Kilpatrick on thu 21 jan 99

What was the Great Tile Disaster, I'd love to hear -- if the disaster was
too great to describe in front of 3000 readers (is that what it is now?)
then maybe you could email me directly. We are doing some tiling, and I do
want to avoid it! We had a thread a while back on something like, 'the
dumbest dumb mistake I've made", I don't know if you were on-line then, and
some of our betters have had disasters too.

in the Slate Belt, East Bangor, PA
-----Original Message-----
From: Lana Reeves
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: Ceramic tile backsplash

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I've been working on tile for my kitchen-- one wall and a backsplash.
>thing to do is figure out what you like, narrow it down. Color? Hi or low
>fire? Majolica? Look at those home decorating magazines, especially the
>ads. and at tile stores. Or, do you have a favorite glaze or two? When
>you've got some ideas, e-mail me & we'll talk. I can also tell you about
>the great tile disaster and Why I Had To Do It All Over Again, maybe help
>you avoid something similar.
>Lana in Somerville, MA

Paula Sibrack on thu 21 jan 99

Lana, please share your disaster story about your tiling. I'm about to tile my
kitchen this summer and would like to be pre-warned. Paula Sibrack Marian,
Sherman, CT

Jennifer on mon 25 jan 99

they are tilemakers in Michigan
