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colored slip layers with patterns.

updated wed 9 dec 98


John Fazzino on sun 6 dec 98

Hi gang,

I recently read a little about this process where you put down some slip, draw
through it, then put down another layer of slip in a different color and draw
through that. I assume this can go on with several layers. Then at last you
remove by scaping or sanding all the layers of slip except the last one.
Supposedly one is left with a pattern of the lines you drew with all the
colors showing. Does anyone have info on this process, or can point me in a
direction of where to find some. I believe an Italian artist is famous for
this process. Thanks

John Fazzino, Providence

Arturo M DeVitalis on tue 8 dec 98

My raku friend does this all the time...with as many as 5 - 6 layers of
slip....carved through. He is not on line but I will pass on your msg.

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