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coming to ny

updated thu 24 sep 98


Russel Fouts on mon 21 sep 98

I've received lots of suggestions for places to visit while in NY but am
still looking for some place where I might do some work from the 11th to the

I arrive in NY on the 3rd, have meetings (my day job) from the 5th to the
9th then fly to Michigan to visit my parents (such a good son) then back on
the 11th for a fun filled week and fly out on the 16th.

Not sure yet where I'll be staying but it will be in Manhattan.

I'm low maintenance, flexible, hand builder (with what ever comes to hand),
don't need much space, can contribute chocolate.


Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
32 2 223 02 75

Please send all replies publicly

Karen Gringhuis on tue 22 sep 98

Russel - First advice - working?!? while i n Manhatten?!? BAG IT -
which is slang for "don't do it." There is so much to do & see, absorb
and think about, and then even revisit. Just go and be a sponge.
Work when you get home.
Second advice - if you ignore the Frank & Polly
Martin at the 92nd St. Y - which is short for YMHA I think.
If you need an e-mail, write me back. Karen Gringhuis

Elca Branman on tue 22 sep 98

You're a year too late,my dear for me to offer hospitality..but enjoy the
big apple
Elca home in Sarasota,Florida

On Mon, 21 Sep 1998 09:46:59 EDT Russel Fouts
>I've received lots of suggestions for places to visit while in NY but
>still looking for some place where I might do some work from the 11th
>to the
>I arrive in NY on the 3rd, have meetings (my day job) from the 5th to
>9th then fly to Michigan to visit my parents (such a good son) then
>back on
>the 11th for a fun filled week and fly out on the 16th.
>Not sure yet where I'll be staying but it will be in Manhattan.
>I'm low maintenance, flexible, hand builder (with what ever comes to
>don't need much space, can contribute chocolate.
>Russel Fouts
>Mes Potes & Mes Pots
>Brussels, Belgium
> 32 2 223 02 75
> Http://
> Http://
> Please send all replies publicly

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