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fuji velvia, (was slide addendum)

updated thu 15 oct 98


Marc Ward on wed 14 oct 98

These comments were made about Fuji slide film;

<<<a good
quality film for originals and/or dupes? I have an old postcard for the

Fuji Velvi is a great film for pottery slides. It is slightly warm which does
nice things to clay. Steve Meltzer uses it quite a bit. The drawback is that
it is rated at about ASA 60 and is actually a touch slower than its rating.
you've got the lighting give it a try. It won't work with an incandescent

You might also try Fuji Sensia and Fuji Provia. They are both rated at ASA 100
and have wonderful color saturation. I use both for underwater photography
(not shooting many pots anymore), but love it for it's "punch" and non
detectable grain. You'll be able to find Sensia at Walmart or the like, while
Provia is a professional film available in the cold storage area of a good
camera shop. It's $$$$$$$.

Happy shooting.

Marc Ward
Ward Burner Systems
PO Box 333
Dandridge, TN 37725
423.397.2914 voice
423.397.1253 fax