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glenn grishkoff brush workshop in tahoe

updated tue 13 oct 98


Sheri Sweigard on sun 11 oct 98

Sierra Nevada College is pleased to announce that Glenn Grishkoff will offer=
brush making workshop on Sunday, November 1st, from 10-4pm. The fee is =
which will include all materials, and each person will make 4 brushes.
Glenn makes phenomenal brushes that are works of art themselves=21
For more information or to register call: (800) 332-8666 or
(702) 831-1314 x3139.

Sheri Sweigard
Summer Art Director
Sierra Nevada College
Box 4269
Incline Village, NV 89450
(702) 831-7799 x3139

Greg Lamont on mon 12 oct 98

Hi all,
I took a brushmaking workshop with M. Grishkoff last year here at Iowa
State U. I highly recommend it to anyone who can attend. He supplies all
of the materials and is a patient instructor. I think it's well worth the
price. I hope to take one of his shoemaking workshops someday.


At 08:56 PM 10/11/98 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Sierra Nevada College is pleased to announce that Glenn Grishkoff will offer=
> a
>brush making workshop on Sunday, November 1st, from 10-4pm. The fee is =
>which will include all materials, and each person will make 4 brushes.
>Glenn makes phenomenal brushes that are works of art themselves=21
>For more information or to register call: (800) 332-8666 or
>(702) 831-1314 x3139.
>Sheri Sweigard
>Summer Art Director
>Sierra Nevada College
>Box 4269
>Incline Village, NV 89450
>(702) 831-7799 x3139
Greg Lamont
3011 Northwood Dr.
Ames, Iowa 50010-4750