Russel Fouts on sun 22 nov 98
That's it, that's what I'm looking for. Peter Beard in his book on
resist techniques says that wax emulsion resist is just wax, vaseline
and water but goes no further. I experimented with this and ended up
with thin 'Ucerin' which I can confidently now tell you how to make but
am no closer to cold wax emulsion.
Any ideas
I've been using a mix of 1/2 White glue (like Elmer's) and 1/2 water
which works pretty well. I like the fact that it's not a "hard" barrier.
Some of the material to be resisted, in this case terra-sigilatta, get's
through and makes for some nice random patterning. Acylic Floor wax,
especially if it's fairly stiff and a bit foamy (took two years of
sitting forgotten on a shelf to get it stiffish!) also works well with
even better random patterning.
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