Joyce Lee on sat 24 oct 98
I've now fired my Geil gas kiln for the third time since lightly
spraying ITC on the fiber lining. The first two times there was little
discernible difference from the pre-ITC firings. (I had fired it empty
first, as recommended by Alice. I'm not counting that firing.) Keep in
mind that my kiln is only three years old and had been fired maybe 20
times so I didn't expect major changes. Just adding to the life of the
fiber was okay with me...that, and the primary reason, satisfying my
curiosity about ITC. Well, don't know why the delayed results, but
today's firing was 8 hours from turn on to turn off, where earlier
firings usually ran about 12 hours. Can't believe it's still daylight
and the kiln is off! I fire slowly and cautiously since I never really
understand what's happening in dealing with clay, or exactly what I'm
doing until about the umpteenth run-through. I believe I could have
fired in perhaps 6 hours but slowed the process in one of my periodic
bouts of cowardice. Don't know what it all means, but so far, so good.
In the Mojave mad at herself for placing her fingers too close to the
port while stuffing sticks and twigs in the kiln to see what happens.
A little ice did the trick but really stupid...Dannon would have known
better, I'll bet.
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