Dannon Rhudy on mon 26 oct 98
The worst burn I ever got was as an undergrad, third semester
of clay. Was rakuing, liked to work by myself because I think
raku takes great concentration. A friend came out, was telling
me all her woes or something. Distracted, I walked over to the trash can I'd
put a big pot in a few minutes previously, and picked it up to
move it. Without gloves. I knew instantly my error, but too late.
God, that hurt. Second degree burns, all my own fault.
When I put bits of wood in the kiln, I wear gloves. When I take
the peep in or out, I wear gloves. Gloves for a wood fire, gloves
for a salt fire...Sometimes I wear gloves just
to THINK about the kiln......nothing quite like an object lesson.
Dannon Rhudy
At 01:40 PM 10/24/98 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I've now fired my Geil gas kiln for the third time since lightly
>spraying ITC on the fiber lining. The first two times there was little
>discernible difference from the pre-ITC firings. (I had fired it empty
>first, as recommended by Alice. I'm not counting that firing.) Keep in
>mind that my kiln is only three years old and had been fired maybe 20
>times so I didn't expect major changes. Just adding to the life of the
>fiber was okay with me...that, and the primary reason, satisfying my
>curiosity about ITC. Well, don't know why the delayed results, but
>today's firing was 8 hours from turn on to turn off, where earlier
>firings usually ran about 12 hours. Can't believe it's still daylight
>and the kiln is off! I fire slowly and cautiously since I never really
>understand what's happening in dealing with clay, or exactly what I'm
>doing until about the umpteenth run-through. I believe I could have
>fired in perhaps 6 hours but slowed the process in one of my periodic
>bouts of cowardice. Don't know what it all means, but so far, so good.
>In the Mojave mad at herself for placing her fingers too close to the
>port while stuffing sticks and twigs in the kiln to see what happens.
>A little ice did the trick but really stupid...Dannon would have known
>better, I'll bet.
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