on wed 9 dec 98
Karen Karnes will fly from Vermont to Pittsburgh on Friday, December 11 to be
present at the opening of the Exhibition to Benefit the Karen Karnes/Ann
Stannard Fire Fund at The Clay Place, 5416 Walnut Street, Pittsburgh, PA.
I have just spent the weekend with her and 30 other potters at the Annual
Pottery Invitational that she curates in Demarest, NJ. She was so moved to
hear of the wonderful response to our call for pots that she decided that she
wanted to be there to see the show and to meet any of the potters who might
attend. Anyone in the area is encouraged to appear! I have forgotten the
hours for the opening reception, but you can call The Clay Place to find out.
See below!
I have just spoken with Elvira Peake who owns The Clay Place and she is
thrilled to report that she has received 150 pots for the Exhibition. Works
contributed range from M.C. Richards and Robert Turner to a potter who sent
her very first pot. It's going to be a fantastic exhibition. Elvira asked me
to encourage you to keep them coming. If you fear that you have missed the
deadline, no worry - the show will be up until January 13th. Pots will leave
the gallery as they are sold and Elvira hopes that potters will continue to
send pots for the exhibition, so her shelves will be full for the entire
month. She is determined to sell the all!
For those of you new to Clayart, Karen Karnes and Ann Stannard suffered a
devastating fire back in May when they lost everything - home and studio.
They escaped with only their lives, their pajamas and their Dodge Caravan
(with melted rear lights!). Their insurance covers the replacement of their
home, but not their studio, equipment, clay, etc. A fire fund has been
established and an Exhibition to Celebrate the Life and Work of Karen Karnes
and Ann Stannard will open on Friday, December 11 (through January 13) at The
Clay Place in Pittsburgh, PA.
We ask all Clayarters to contribute one of their clay creations and/or a kiln
god to the Exhibition. They should be sent to:
The Karnes/Stannard Exhibition
The Clay Place
5416 Walnut Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Elvira Peake is the Director/Owner of the Gallery and she can be
reached at 412-682-3737.
I hope to see many of you there on Friday!
Malcolm Davis
2322 Nineteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Dannon Rhudy on thu 10 dec 98
I wish I could be there. It seems to me that it is going to be an
outstanding exhibition - worth going just to see the work of all this
broad spectrum of pottery. Since I can't go, I hope that someone
who IS going will take a camera/video/something and record what
is bound to be an extraordinary exhibition, from "first pots" all the
way through to Turner and Cushing and whomever.
If anyone records it, in whatever fashion, would you email me
Dannon Rhudy
At 12:14 PM 12/9/98 EST, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Karen Karnes will fly from Vermont to Pittsburgh on Friday, December 11 to be
>present at the opening of the Exhibition to Benefit the Karen Karnes/Ann
>Stannard Fire Fund at The Clay Place, 5416 Walnut Street, Pittsburgh, PA.
>I have just spent the weekend with her and 30 other potters at the Annual
>Pottery Invitational that she curates in Demarest, NJ. She was so moved to
>hear of the wonderful response to our call for pots that she decided that she
>wanted to be there to see the show and to meet any of the potters who might
>attend. Anyone in the area is encouraged to appear! I have forgotten the
>hours for the opening reception, but you can call The Clay Place to find out.
>See below!
>I have just spoken with Elvira Peake who owns The Clay Place and she is
>thrilled to report that she has received 150 pots for the Exhibition. Works
>contributed range from M.C. Richards and Robert Turner to a potter who sent
>her very first pot. It's going to be a fantastic exhibition. Elvira
asked me
>to encourage you to keep them coming. If you fear that you have missed the
>deadline, no worry - the show will be up until January 13th. Pots will leave
>the gallery as they are sold and Elvira hopes that potters will continue to
>send pots for the exhibition, so her shelves will be full for the entire
>month. She is determined to sell the all!
>For those of you new to Clayart, Karen Karnes and Ann Stannard suffered a
>devastating fire back in May when they lost everything - home and studio.
>They escaped with only their lives, their pajamas and their Dodge Caravan
>(with melted rear lights!). Their insurance covers the replacement of their
>home, but not their studio, equipment, clay, etc. A fire fund has been
>established and an Exhibition to Celebrate the Life and Work of Karen Karnes
>and Ann Stannard will open on Friday, December 11 (through January 13) at The
>Clay Place in Pittsburgh, PA.
>We ask all Clayarters to contribute one of their clay creations and/or a kiln
>god to the Exhibition. They should be sent to:
>The Karnes/Stannard Exhibition
>The Clay Place
>5416 Walnut Street
>Pittsburgh, PA 15232
>Elvira Peake is the Director/Owner of the Gallery and she can be
>reached at 412-682-3737.
>I hope to see many of you there on Friday!
>Malcolm Davis
>2322 Nineteenth Street, NW
>Washington, DC 20009
Joanna deFelice on thu 10 dec 98
and how about getting stills, or even parts of the video on-line so
we can all have a gander? that would be fun for the rest of us!
>>> Dannon Rhudy 12/10 6:54 AM >>>
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I wish I could be there. It seems to me that it is going to be an
outstanding exhibition - worth going just to see the work of all this
broad spectrum of pottery. Since I can't go, I hope that someone
who IS going will take a camera/video/something and record what
is bound to be an extraordinary exhibition, from "first pots" all the
way through to Turner and Cushing and whomever.
If anyone records it, in whatever fashion, would you email me
Dannon Rhudy
At 12:14 PM 12/9/98 EST, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Karen Karnes will fly from Vermont to Pittsburgh on Friday, December 11 to be
>present at the opening of the Exhibition to Benefit the Karen Karnes/Ann
>Stannard Fire Fund at The Clay Place, 5416 Walnut Street, Pittsburgh, PA.
>I have just spent the weekend with her and 30 other potters at the Annual
>Pottery Invitational that she curates in Demarest, NJ. She was so moved to
>hear of the wonderful response to our call for pots that she decided that she
>wanted to be there to see the show and to meet any of the potters who might
>attend. Anyone in the area is encouraged to appear! I have forgotten the
>hours for the opening reception, but you can call The Clay Place to find out.
>See below!
>I have just spoken with Elvira Peake who owns The Clay Place and she is
>thrilled to report that she has received 150 pots for the Exhibition. Works
>contributed range from M.C. Richards and Robert Turner to a potter who sent
>her very first pot. It's going to be a fantastic exhibition. Elvira
asked me
>to encourage you to keep them coming. If you fear that you have missed the
>deadline, no worry - the show will be up until January 13th. Pots will leave
>the gallery as they are sold and Elvira hopes that potters will continue to
>send pots for the exhibition, so her shelves will be full for the entire
>month. She is determined to sell the all!
>For those of you new to Clayart, Karen Karnes and Ann Stannard suffered a
>devastating fire back in May when they lost everything - home and studio.
>They escaped with only their lives, their pajamas and their Dodge Caravan
>(with melted rear lights!). Their insurance covers the replacement of their
>home, but not their studio, equipment, clay, etc. A fire fund has been
>established and an Exhibition to Celebrate the Life and Work of Karen Karnes
>and Ann Stannard will open on Friday, December 11 (through January 13) at The
>Clay Place in Pittsburgh, PA.
>We ask all Clayarters to contribute one of their clay creations and/or a kiln
>god to the Exhibition. They should be sent to:
>The Karnes/Stannard Exhibition
>The Clay Place
>5416 Walnut Street
>Pittsburgh, PA 15232
>Elvira Peake is the Director/Owner of the Gallery and she can be
>reached at 412-682-3737.
>I hope to see many of you there on Friday!
>Malcolm Davis
>2322 Nineteenth Street, NW
>Washington, DC 20009
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