on mon 14 dec 98
I have just returned to DC from the opening of the Karen Karnes/Ann Stannard
Benefit Exhibition at the Clay Place in Pittsburgh and MUST quickly give you a
report before I collapse -
In the words of KK Herself, it was stunning. There were 170 pots from all
over the country and it was a glorious array of pots - the whole range of work
in clay: salt, wood, soda, raku, pit, majolica, function, sculpture,
oxidation, reduction, whatever.
There were pots from beginners and pots from Bob Turner, Toshiko, Val Cushing,
Jim Tanner, MC Richards, Michael Simon, Sandy Simon, Ron Meyers, Bill
Brouillard, Pete Pinnell, Mary Barringer, Steven Hill, Jeff Oestreich, Linda
Christianson, Jack Troy, Richard Aerni, Suze Lindsay, Silvie Granatelli,
Ellen Shankin, Robert Briscoe, etc, etc, ad infinitum...............
I have a complete list and if I can ever figure out how to get it from paper
into my computer, I will try to send it to you all on clayart.
There was also a fantastic display of kiln gods, including a sterling silver
one from Michael and Maureen Banner in Massachusetts: "When it Melts, RUN!"
The opening was wonderful - lots of potters and lots of sales - I think the
total came to close to $2000 the first night. Elvira Peake did a fabulous job
of presenting the show and getting the public to attend.
Pots go as they are sold, so there are already many empty spaces. If you
would still like to send one of your creations, it is not too late. Send to:
Karen Karnes/Ann Stannard Exhibition
The Clay Place
5416 Walnut Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Clayarters were well represented. Thank you all.
Malcolm Davis
2322 Nineteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
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