D. Kim Lindaberry on tue 22 sep 98
Hello All,
Here is an item that maybe of interest to some of you (especially the
grads from KCAI) For the uninitiated, opening nights in KC are quite the
affair. There are at least a half dozen galleries within walking
distance of the Dolphin gallery. They all schedule their opening night
for the same day of the month. It makes for a lot to see & do in one
evening. Maybe I'll see some of you all there ;-)
An Exhibition of New Ceramic Work
Dates: October 9 - November 14, 1998
Location: Dolphin Gallery, 1901 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, MO 64108
Contact: Emily Eddins, (816) 842-4415, fax: (816) 842-6268
Lennie Berkowitz and the Dolphin Gallery invite you to view new ceramic
work by Kansas City artist Ken Ferguson. The exhibition will be open to
the public, Friday, October 9, with a reception from 6 - 9 p.m. The
artist will be present. The show continues through November 14.
D. Kim Lindaberry
Longview Community College
500 SW Longview Road
Art Department
Lee's Summit, MO 64108
to visit my web site go to:
to send e-mail to me use: mailto:kiml@kcmetro.cc.mo.us
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