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limit formulas needed

updated fri 15 jan 99


Bill and Sylvia Shirley on wed 13 jan 99

Hello everyone,

Could anybody share some good places to find Limit Formulas, for cone 6
in particular. I do have a number of books, but few contain limit
formulas. I made an Excel Spreadsheet to calculate overall percentages
of chemical compounds in my glazes, and now I need some limit formulas
to compare them to. Thanks a bunch.

Sylvia Shirley

Martin Howard on thu 14 jan 99

Cushing's Handbook 3rd edition seems to be the most quoted.

Unfortunately he misses out cones 03 - 4 inclusive.

I just interpolate between and hope to now obtain a satin glaze at ^01
using 5 parts Borax Frit to 6 parts damp (used) cat litter,
montmorillinite. But of course only experiment in a line test will prove
me right, or WRONG.

Martin Howard
Webbs Cottage Pottery and Press
Woolpits Road, Great Saling
Essex CM7 5DZ
01371 850 423

Paul Lewing on thu 14 jan 99

Richard Zakin's "Mastering the Craft" has the most complete and
detailed limit formulas I've seen.

Paul Lewing, Seattle