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looking for k-200 feldspar

updated wed 11 nov 98


Catherine Jarosz on mon 9 nov 98

Hi my supplier has stopped carrying K-200 Feldspar ... G-200 is
being pushed as a substitute but it needs to be fired hotter to get
the same hardness as K-200..I already fire to cone 10-11 so this
isnt gonna help me at all ... Does anyone know of a company that
still carries K-200 feldspar? Please e-mail me at with
any info you may have thanks muchly.........

Craig Martell on tue 10 nov 98

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hi my supplier has stopped carrying K-200 Feldspar ... G-200 >is
being pushed as a substitute but it needs to be fired hotter to
>get the same hardness as K-200..I already fire to cone 10-11 >so
this isnt gonna help me at all


Go to >< and use the links there to get to zemex corp. which
markets g-200 and k-200. Send them an e-mail and ask for an outlet in your
area. As an aside, g-200 fuses really well above cone 8. I do fusions
regularly to keep tabs on all the spars that I use. K-200 is higher in
potassium and will fuse lower than g-200 and give a better alkaline color
response but will also raise the expansion of the glaze a bit and may
contibute to crazing.

regards, Craig Martell in Oregon