Tom Wirt on mon 21 dec 98
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Lynn Antone wrote:-
>Trimming tools:
>my favorite all around trimming tool is one I made from metal strapping tape
>I couldnt agree more about the value of metal straping tape. It is
>fantastically versatile and strong. I have made scraping tools with a wide
And for those of you who need it, I've still got some of the old stuff...nearly
twice as thick as the new brick banding strap. If you'd like some, email me
your snail mail address and it'll be on it's way.
You can't get this stuff anymore. I got it on some pallets of kiln brick that
were government surplus from the 1970's.
Tom Wirt
Clay Coyote Pottery
17614 240th St.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
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