mel jacobson on fri 6 nov 98
i have purchased a 6 gallon barrel with an o ring is made for mixing
wet plaster and cement......has a verigated inside that splashes the
stuff around.
cost maybe 12 bucks or so.....saw it in one of those dorky catalogs that
come every day in the mail.
it works slick for a small batch of glaze (dry) or mixing some stuff together
to put in a clay body, like felspar or something.
i just roll it around the studio. it has a green cover.....don't
have a clue
where i got it.....but they are around, maybe home depot will know.
on his way out of town again for three weeks.
21f. this morning......frozen bird bath.......can deer hunting be far away?
gonna use a front loader, black powder this year.......can't wait.
Kate on sat 7 nov 98
mel jacobson wrote:
> 21f. this morning......frozen bird bath.......can deer hunting be far away?
> gonna use a front loader, black powder this year.......can't wait.
Hi All,
This is my first posting. I have been on the list for a while now, but
am a newbie whose equipment is currently in storage after a move, and so
I just been reading the postings to learn from the working potters here,
and dream of the day that I can put some of this information to use!
Mel, I want to say that I have found your posts to be inspiring, and
full of wonderful information.
What is bothering me is this. Your reference to going out to slaughter
a deer, and the details about how you are going to do it were uncalled
for, and inappropriate. I know that I am probably not the only
vegetarian on this list who was disturbed by the imagery created by it.
I hope that you do not consider this an attack in any way, it certainly
is not meant as such. I just wanted to send a gentle reminder that
there are probably vegetarian and animal rights activists on the list
who might feel badly about references to animal slaughter.
Stay safe out there,
Katherine N. (who means no offense, and knows you didn't either)
Stephen Mills on sun 8 nov 98
We've got one too, same colour lid, works a treat.
They're in most DIY stores for mixing cement.
In message , mel jacobson writes
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>i have purchased a 6 gallon barrel with an o ring is made for mixing
>wet plaster and cement......has a verigated inside that splashes the
>stuff around.
>cost maybe 12 bucks or so.....saw it in one of those dorky catalogs that
>come every day in the mail.
>it works slick for a small batch of glaze (dry) or mixing some stuff together
>to put in a clay body, like felspar or something.
> i just roll it around the studio. it has a green cover.....don't
>have a clue
>where i got it.....but they are around, maybe home depot will know.
>on his way out of town again for three weeks.
>21f. this morning......frozen bird bath.......can deer hunting be far away?
>gonna use a front loader, black powder this year.......can't wait.
Steve Mills
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