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more on extruder book

updated sat 19 dec 98


Bacia Edelman on fri 18 dec 98

Someone else wrote to Clayart already that the Lark book on extruded work
would be out in Sept. 99. I took a moment to write to Chris Rich, who has
corresponded with me in the past, to ask further. She suggested I write to
the actual editor of the book and here is the latter's answer.

It also provides a CALL FOR SLIDES for those of you who are interested.
Her e-mail address is:

Our extruder book is coming out in fall '99-and, indeed. it is going well.
Please tell any and all that it will be well worth the wait!

By the way, Chris mentioned that you might know of some folks who would
want to submit slides of extruded work. If so, could you send me their
names and ways to contact them? The official deadline was Nov. 1, but due
to a switch of authors and a little more time on our side, I'm taking
submissions through the end of January from some people (could go into
mid-March in a pinch).

Many thanks,

Danielle Truscott Dawson
Cheers, Bacia