mel jacobson on sat 12 sep 98
i have just gotten word from higher ups.
if tonyc stops swearing, and promises to be a good
boy...........maybe, just maybe.
clay sainthood.
he will be ordained during nceca in the clayart room.
and this is just a simple way of telling all of you.............there will
be a clayart room...mel will put it all together.
and a mystery guest will pay for everything.
don't quess is not mrs. crock of macdonalds fame.
but, it is a woman that has great respect in the field of ceramics
world wide.
no, no, not joyce from the desert.
it could be ......, well, no...she does not have the money.
well, anyway.
make your plans now.
it will be gala.
and fun.
and nils has promised not to tell us over and over and over
about his hole in one.........(he really did it.)
and there are rumors that tiger woods is taking lessons from
fred olson.........well, he bought the book.
god, will that be a one on one, or what.
and all of the canadians will be real quiet. ron r will just whisper.
he is such a great traveler.
so, get your tickets....
make those loans at the credit union.
ask your dean, principal, or department chair. (or spouse/or partner (or
both) )
we are going to nceca.
clayart...........kick ass.
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