Amy Gossett on tue 24 nov 98
I have the book by Robin Hopper it is an invaluable tool as well! I also bough
It is expensive but well worth the read! Has thousands of glaze all broken down
Check it out!
> **--------- Original Message follows...
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I cannot emphasize enough the value of "learning" via the techniques
given by Robin Hopper in "The Ceramic Spectrum". Like the
spices/herbs/seasonings available to us in the kitchen they become "best
friends" only after you have tried them out yourself in various
combinations on our own foods cooked on our own stoves. Check out
Robin's approach and see what you think.
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> ** Original Subject: Re: Firing glaze tests
> ** Original Sender: Arturo M DeVitalis
> ** Original Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 09:11:20 EST
> **---------
Amy Gossett
"Before, I could only trust myself. Now I can only trust you." - Fox Mulder, Th
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