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robin's egg blue/ blue celadon

updated thu 12 nov 98


John Britt on wed 11 nov 98


That recipe is currently known as Pinnell's celadon, (See Clay times,
sorry I forgot the issue but it was recently). It was called Ball
celadon years ago. Variations within 1 or 2% of ingredients are called
V& O celadon ( I assume that was Vivika and Otto), a.k.a. Beth's
celadon. Alfred celadon, Chouinard celadon. etc.

It works great with Grolleg as the kaolin and used on grolleg porcelain.

Peter wrote:

Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 12:08:25 EST
From: Hank Ray
Subject: Re: Robin's Egg Blue/blue celadon

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

hello there....

I just recently did a test that yeilded a blue celadon..... not sure
what a
robin's egg blue celadon is..... but this is a blue celadon....

it is a revised version of tony hansen's base G1947U ^10 reduction
which by the way is a really great glossy transparent glaze base...

custer feildspar-------25
zinc oxide---------------2

RIO------------------------1 (for a blue celadon)

this test was done on Mile High clay body "4010" a cone 10 gray body

Peter Coates....Oklahoma City...
City Arts Center..
WWW. city


John Britt
Dys-Functional Pottery
Dallas, Texas