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shimpo wheel - cone drive vs belt

updated sun 22 nov 98


Derek Johnson on thu 19 nov 98

We are thinking of buying a Shimpo wheel, the master, which has belt drive and I

What do the "Master" owners think?

Paul \"Standing Bear\" on sat 21 nov 98

they do not make the drive cone type anymore.

Mike Gordon on sat 21 nov 98

I teach in a high school and bought 3 of them. Not happy with them at
all. They are all serviceable but switched to Brent CXC.Mike

camoore on sat 21 nov 98


I recently bought a Shimpo and chose the RK-10 Super over the equivalent
Master because the Master uses a one-piece splash pan that sits above
the wheel head. The two-ice splash pan of the Basic and Super sits
almost level with the wheel head.
