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skutt kiln help, thanks

updated thu 13 aug 98


Michael W Greenfield on wed 12 aug 98

I wrote a note earlier last week, but I think it got lost with all my
email when someone wanted to help me out by turning off my computer with
my email files open. Fortunately, I printed out the firing schedules
earlier that day... A simple twist of fate.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank all for their helpful suggestions &

There was one message that was lost that I didn't have a chance to
respond to. Someone was kind enough to offer me a spreadsheet for
entering firing schedule info for EXCEL. If the offer is still out there
I would grately appreciate it. My email for attached files is through
AOL. Just be sure to reference "ceramics" or something like it on the
subject line. That address is subject to heavy Spamming & I tend to
delete mail by sender, this would help me avoid an "accidental" deletion.

My AOL address is:

Thanks again
Michael Greenfield
Marcellus, NY

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