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solar kiln (maybe)

updated sat 9 jan 99


Don Goodrich on fri 8 jan 99

Hi All,
It took awhile for me to remember this, but there are complete plans for a
solar furnace in The Mother Earth News from about 20 years ago. The plans are
spread over at least 3 issues, probably beginning with no. 52 which may be
May/June 1978. Sorry I don't have copies to post on a website of mail (loaned
'em and never saw 'em again), but a worthy library should have them. The
device in question was originally designed as a steam generator for home
heating or driving a steam engine, but with some ingenious potterly re-
engineering, making a kiln out of it should be a piece of cake.
I actually built the thing around 1980. It's amusing to see the invoices
for the parts: $279 for the steel frame components. $100 worth of mirror
tiles. It worked until an Illinois winter rendered it nonfunctional, after
which I dismantled it. Too much maintenance. If I'd had access to modern
ceramic-fiber insulation, it might have occurred to me to pursue the kiln
idea. Is WAS great for cooking hotdogs, though. 10 seconds to a crisp on one
If the Mother Earth folks are still in business, perhaps a website can be
found with more complete information than this.

Good Luck
Don Goodrich in Zion, Illinois