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syracuse, matt crystaline glazes

updated sat 22 aug 98


Vince Pitelka on thu 20 aug 98

>The museum is Everson. They are supposed to have one of the finest
>contemporary pottery exhibits in the country.

The Everson does in fact have the country's best collection of American
ceramics, plus good representation of Japanese and other traditions.

Regarding matt crystaline glazes, Adelaid Alsop Robineau, who is extremely
well represented at the Everson, did extraordinary research into crystaline
glazes. With the low alumina content required in crystaline glazes, it is
hard to imagine a true matt, but if anyone figured it out, she did. Richard
Zakin has done extensive research into her work so you might contact him at
SUNY Oswego.

Four days ago I was hiking the exfoliated granite caprock 100 miles
northwest of Lake Tahoe at 8000 feet. Four days before that I was hiking
the cinder cones of Lava Beds National Monument. Sigh . . . . . . But I
am very glad to be back in Tennessee and back at work. Classes already
started on Monday.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka -
Home 615/597-5376, work 615/597-6801, fax 615/597-6803
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166

Richard Aerni on fri 21 aug 98

Matte crystalline glazes can indeed be achieved. John Tilton of this
list is deeply involved in them. I have been chasing them for a few
years and have come up with some nice results from time to time.
Rookwood Pottery in Cincinnati did some incredible work in this regard.
I would guess, not knowing how John or Rookwood went about it, that there
are several avenues to that end. I am also going to tease and tantalize
you by not telling how I am attempting it is new, and not
completely clear to me as well.

The Everson Museum is indeed a won't regret it. It is filled
with the pots that you've seen in photos in Rhodes's books, and others
that are classics as well.

Good to have you back online, Vince.


Richard Aerni
Bloomfield, NY

Vince Pitelka wrote:
> Regarding matt crystaline glazes, Adelaid Alsop Robineau, who is extremely
> well represented at the Everson, did extraordinary research into crystaline
> glazes. With the low alumina content required in crystaline glazes, it is
> hard to imagine a true matt, but if anyone figured it out, she did. Richard
> Zakin has done extensive research into her work so you might contact him at
> SUNY Oswego.